Are Progressive Web Apps the Better Websites for SEO?

Progressive Web Apps y SEO: explicamos si hay una conexión.

Do PWAs lead to better SEO results? Want to create a PWA instead of a native app? But what about a Progressive Web App with search engine optimization (SEO)? There is some uncertainty as to how far PWAs benefit from SEO or whether they even achieve better SEO results than normal websites. How Progressive Web […]

Google Play Store offers Space for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

TWA für PWAs, um im Google Play Store veröffentlicht zu werden

Under Chrome 72 PWAs can be developed for the Google Play Store With the new Chrome version 72 it is now possible for developers to develop progressive web apps for the Google Play Store. The Trusted Web Activity (TWA) interface is responsible for this. Two years ago the TWA was presented at the Chrome Dev […]

PWAs under iOS 12.2: Apple now also adds more features to Progressive Web Apps

New Beta Version Causes Excitement This week, a groan went through the ranks of many developers. Apple surprised with the release of the iOS 12.2 Beta 1 version and its new improvements regarding Progressive Web Apps. Yes, read correctly! The company from Cupertino has decided to equip the new iOS version with some long-awaited PWA […]