Solve it cleverly

Management of your customers

The LightCRM for optimal app user management. Building and maintaining customer relationships has never been easier!

Kundenmanagement CRM
Kundenmanagement für KMU

The smart CRM for simple customer management

Customers receive a profile with name and picture. This enables you to have personal and individual customer contact.

With the CRM from AppYourself, the relationship with customers can be cultivated and customer contact can be made even more individual. Customers can be addressed in a targeted manner and provided with information.

The information received is used to create personalised offers. These can be sent to the customers via app. Our CRM thus allows customer-oriented work and simplifies the approach to customers.

CRM für kleine Unternehmen

Know and understand your customers

Customer profile

Which app modules are particularly popular? How many stamps have already been collected? Find out all this via the meaningful customer profile and use this information to send your customers suitable offers via push notifications. This way, you can simplify your customer management and provide your customers with your best service.

Individual and direct customer contact


Get in touch with your customers via chat function and benefit from this exclusive communication channel. Not only can you reach your customers at any time, but your customers can also become active themselves and send you requests or wishes via the app. Meet your customers on this personal level and strengthen the customer relationship in the long term.

Den Messenger via Progressive Web App nutzen

Simple. Efficient. Unique!

Customer profile displays customer-relevant information

Individual and personal customer contact

Personalized offers via push notifications and chat

Fast and efficient processing of customer inquiries

FAQ for the customer management

Einmal entwickelt, ist die Anwendung auf allen Smartphones verfügbar

A user is someone who has interacted with your app or the widget on the site. So, for example has started a chat, has sent an appointment request or has collected a stamp.

A visitor just visited but did not interact with the web app or website.

Free & without obligation

Your app consultation

Optimal customer management with a clearly structured app – in just 15 minutes you will learn how it works!

Then arrange a consultation now, in which one of our app experts will discuss your app idea with you personally and answer your open questions. Simple, fast and uncomplicated.

Book your personal consultation and learn how to build an app yourself.
Book your personal consultation and learn how to build an app yourself.