Individual campaigns for a targeted approach
You want to address your app users and visitors even better and more targeted? And save time as well? This is now possible with our new campaigns feature. You can specify in advance exactly which group of people should receive a particular message. You are thus able to exclude a specific group of users should the message not be intended for them. The clear improvement of a normal chat is that you no longer have to send messages one by one. They automate this process and thus save even more time. With the Starter Package, you have one campaign in the Business Package and ten in the Professional Package.
Campaigns increase customer interaction
Campaigns can be created for a wide range of interests and actions and can help to automate this a little more. Do you have a special upcoming event in a couple days? You can send a chat message to your users and personalize the messages using this previously created campaign. Another possible scenario would be to encourage your app users to put their name in the app if it does not already exist. This immediately ensures personal and direct contact and sets the course for a successful customer loyalty and relationship. An incentive can be here to receive the receipt of another stamp or a voucher. Just talk to these users about the PWA and the problem is solved.
For each campaign, you can set different audiences, depending on what content is relevant or what you want to learn from them. Simply define them and then decide, for example Only one, several or all of the specified criteria need to be applicable to select the individuals. It is also possible to prepare the campaigns and publish them later. Here an upcoming event in your shop would be a fitting example to reach exactly the users that you need this day. Every user who has been added by the time of publication and thus fits into the addressed target group receives this message. For every occasion and individually tailored to your customers, you can immediately or later create a suitable campaign and achieve it. In our support section, we have provided you with all the important information about campaigns. Just come and have a look. 🙂