Your own appointment app: No more missed appointments for your customers

Customers can book appointments by using your own appointment app

Combine the online appointment booking with your everyday life

You can easily integrate your own appointment app into your everyday life, so that the booking is done via the app. This combines your old booking process with something new. You can also use the messenger to coordinate further details for the appointment. For example, you agree with your customer that he can make his appointment earlier or that he will receive an extra treatment. With the app you have many possibilities to personalize your appointment.

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Booking an appointment online has never been so easy

Since your customers book their appointments via your app, you can in the meantime take care of your customers directly in your beauty salon. In a quiet minute you can then see which appointments are coming up for you in the near future. For you and your customers this means an enormous time saving, because both of you no longer have to be on the phone all the time. This work relieves you of your own appointment booking app. If you already use an external favorite service to book appointments, you can easily integrate it into your appointment app.

Appointment cancellations? Not with your own appointment app!

Not only can you offer appointments to your customers, but you can also send them appointment reminders. This has the advantage for you that you have fewer missed appointments and can therefore manage your working day even better. Your customers will also be grateful to you. Not seldom one forgets with all the appointments and dates fast, that something is still pending today. Simply sent as a push notification or chat message via your own appointment app and already everything is clear for your customers and they will stop by on time.

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Individual and personal contact with your customers

You can also use the push notifications and chat messages to combine individual actions with your appointment booking. Your customers Christina was already three times with you and you have today between 16 and 17 o’clock some air? Then send her a short message to her mobile phone. For example, you can offer her to come by for dyeing and as a thank you she gets a free rinse from you. Or you inform her that you are using the digital time card for beauty treatments. During each of her visits she can collect more stamps and redeem them later for a reward. How you address your customers is entirely up to you. The more personal and unusual, e.g. with our marketing automation, the better. Christina and other of your customers will surely appear more often in your shop. You can find more information about your own appointment app on our support page.

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You want to have your own appointment app?

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