Your Restaurant App: Contactless Check In and Check Out via QR Code

Record Guest Data Simply Contactlessly with Your Restaurant App Taverns, restaurants, bars, cafés – during Corona, the entire catering industry must collect the contact details of their guests and keep them for a few weeks. The reason for this is to be able to trace a possible chain of infection. In most cases, the catering […]
App Submission to Apple and Google: Facts You need to know!

How An App Gets Into Both App Stores You might have wondered how your app gets into both App Stores? If you book the Business or Enterprise plan, we will take care of the app submission for you. In this article we would like to show you what is generally necessary to submit an app. […]
Why App Video Marketing Is So Important For Your App

App Video Marketing For Your App You have certainly invested a lot of time to create your app or to have it completely created by a provider. Now it is ready and can be found in the App Stores of Apple and Google. But the promised download numbers are not coming? Besides the well-known steps […]
Develop An App: Which System Should You Choose?

Create An Android App Or An iOS App? As soon as companies decide to develop an app, the following question arises: for which operating system should the app be developed? For the Android or for the iOS system? Our app platform offers companies the easy possibility to develop their own app for both platforms. Furthermore, […]
ASO (App Store Optimization): Strong brand presence in both App Stores

Let your app stand out from the crowd The app market is highly competitive. Meanwhile there are about two million iOS Apps in the Apple App Store and about 2.5 million Android Apps in the Google Play Store. Many of these apps combine similar features or can be used similarly. Therefore, it is all the […]
Wallet Apps: the smartphone becomes a wallet
Mobile Payment: What is it? Mobile Payment (mobile payment) means nothing else than that you process your payments with your smartphone. You can either pay directly in an online shop via smartphone or you are in a shop directly on the spot – called Point of Sale (POS). But not only for transactions of any […]
Search Ads from Apple and Google: Promotion of your app in both App Stores

What are Search Ads? Search ads are advertisements that are displayed in the app stores when the user searches for apps. Keywords used by users to search for a product or service can be used to create matching ads. The goal of such ads is to motivate users to click or tap on them and […]
Under Google Chrome 76: Even easier installation of PWAs on the desktop

With Google Chrome 76 there is a new install prompt for PWAs Google spares no effort to provide users of a desktop PWA with the optimal user experience. At the Google I/O it was announced that there will be a new install prompt for PWAs in the Google Chrome 76 version. This feature will be […]
Google Play Store offers Space for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Under Chrome 72 PWAs can be developed for the Google Play Store With the new Chrome version 72 it is now possible for developers to develop progressive web apps for the Google Play Store. The Trusted Web Activity (TWA) interface is responsible for this. Two years ago the TWA was presented at the Chrome Dev […]
Online Payment Service Apple Pay: successful start in Germany

Mobile payment simply by Smartphone or Smartwatch In mid-December 2018, the contactless online payment service Apple Pay made its debut in Germany. Customers can now simply pay at the checkout in the supermarket or in an online shop via smartphone or smartwatch. All they have to do is scan their own credit card into the […]