Mobile Status Quo 2020: in which direction are we moving?

The mobile status quo in 2020 – how does it look like?

Mobile Status Quo: Mobile first determines the lives of all The keyword mobile first could not be more apt in our modern times. Smartphones and apps are increasingly defining our everyday lives. Banking transactions, holiday planning or online shopping – most of the time we do all this with an app. Whether we are sitting […]

Customer Orientation: Always Have Your Customer In View

Customer orientation is a good start in order get successful

Customer orientation? What exactly is that? Customer orientation means nothing more than regularly monitoring the company, recording and analysing customer wishes and needs as well as expectations. This information helps to implement and systematically improve products and services. The long-term goal of customer orientation is to build and strengthen customer relationships. Consequently, customer-oriented work must […]

The new AppYourself Update Brings Great Changes for You and Your App

New AppYourself update: your app is ready for 2020

New AppYourself update: faster, more modern and more individual We want you and your users to have the best user experience with our apps. The new AppYourself update, which we rolled out in the middle of the week, will make your app even faster, more modern and more individual. You benefit from the following things: […]

Under Google Chrome 76: Even easier installation of PWAs on the desktop

Einfachere Installation von Progressive Web Apps unter Chrome 76

With Google Chrome 76 there is a new install prompt for PWAs Google spares no effort to provide users of a desktop PWA with the optimal user experience. At the Google I/O it was announced that there will be a new install prompt for PWAs in the Google Chrome 76 version. This feature will be […]

Your coupon app for more success on all mobile operating systems

Su aplicación de vales para una mayor fidelización de sus clientes

A coupon app inspires your customers and guests Offers, discounts, coupons – as soon as we see something like this in a supermarket, café or in the beauty and wellness salon, our eyes light up and our inner reward system is beating. You too can sweeten your customers’ and guests’ stay with vouchers. With your […]

Google Play Store offers Space for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

TWA für PWAs, um im Google Play Store veröffentlicht zu werden

Under Chrome 72 PWAs can be developed for the Google Play Store With the new Chrome version 72 it is now possible for developers to develop progressive web apps for the Google Play Store. The Trusted Web Activity (TWA) interface is responsible for this. Two years ago the TWA was presented at the Chrome Dev […]

PWAs under iOS 12.2: Apple now also adds more features to Progressive Web Apps

New Beta Version Causes Excitement This week, a groan went through the ranks of many developers. Apple surprised with the release of the iOS 12.2 Beta 1 version and its new improvements regarding Progressive Web Apps. Yes, read correctly! The company from Cupertino has decided to equip the new iOS version with some long-awaited PWA […]

Online Payment Service Apple Pay: successful start in Germany

Apple Pay zum kontaktlosen Bezahlen in Deutschland

Mobile payment simply by Smartphone or Smartwatch In mid-December 2018, the contactless online payment service Apple Pay made its debut in Germany. Customers can now simply pay at the checkout in the supermarket or in an online shop via smartphone or smartwatch. All they have to do is scan their own credit card into the […]

Microsoft relies on Chromium for the new Edge Browser under Windows 10

Edge Browser basiert nun auf Chromium

Microsoft’s Edge browser gets new base For days, the news that Microsoft is working on a new Edge browser has been causing a stir. This fact is not yet earth-shattering in itself, but it has now been announced that the Edge browser is now also based on the open source browser Chromium. Edge will also […]